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September 01, 2019

Kubernetes Notes

This post contains referential material, and as such, is not meant to be read sequentially. This contains a handful of notes for developing with or using Kubernetes, and attempts to remove the confusion around the various concepts needed for understanding Kubernetes.

Key Terms


Master A master Kubernetes node. This is made up of the apiserver, the Cluster Store (etcd), kube-controller-manager, cloud-controller-manager, and kube-scheduler. The Master delegates work to the Nodes.
Node An agent that receives work from a Master. Previously known as a minion. The Node is made up of the Kubelet, a container engine (almost always Docker), and the kube-proxy.
Cluster When people refer to the Cluster in Kubernetes, they are usually referring to the Cluster of nodes in which the Master communicates to. A pod, however, may contain a cluster of containers as well.
Pod The most atomic execution unit. It encapsulates your application (in a container, or multiple containers), storage resources, and gives it a unique IP. Scaling is based around pods, such that if you want to scale an application, you increase the number of pods as opposed to increasing the number of containers in the pod. It is mortal in the sense that it is born, it lives, and then it dies. Pods are never resurrected. Pods are defined by manifests.
Declarative Model A model in which you define what you want your desired state to be. You only describe what you want, and not how to go about reaching it. This is opposed to an imperative model where you define the exact steps to perform to achieve your desired state. An example of a declarative command would be kubectl apply, whereas an imperative command would be kubectl create
Manifest A YAML file that defines the desired state of an application.
Service A Kubernetes object similar to a pod. The service acts as a load balancer with a stable IP. You can assign pods to services via labels. Services will only route traffic to healthy pods. The load balancing is random by default but can be set to round robin. It serves TCP by default but can also use UDP.
Deployment Deployments are controlled with a manifest file, and allow you to define the state of pods and ReplicaSets.
Replication Controller Replication controllers enable Kubernetes to deploy multiple replicas of a single pod definition. Useful for scaling, self-healing, and rolling updates.
apiserver The frontend of the master where all communication occurs. Both the user (usually through kubectl) and the cluster communicate to the apiserver.
Stateful Set A StatefulSet is like a Deployment, except that the Pods are given unique identifiers.
Persistent Volume Claims Used for declaring what you need in terms of persistence. Kubernetes will handle it for you so that you need not create a PersistentVolume directly.
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler The HorizontalPodAutoscaler object is a resource and a controller, and the controller periodically adjusts the number of replicas in a replication controller or deployment to match the observed average CPU utilization to the target specified by user.
Secrets The Secrets API lets you define secrets in multiple different formats, and use them as environment variables or volumes within your pods. The Secrets can be protected through Role Based Access Control. In the API Server, the secrets data are stored in etcd.
ConfigMaps The same as secrets, except unencrypted.




Who Kubernetes is for companies that want scalability, redundancy, availability, and faster deployment cycles.
What A container orchestration platform that manages resources, networking, failover, and various other features.
Where Kubernetes can be hosted on a cloud service such as Google's Kubernetes Engine, Minikube for local development, or as an on premise deployment.
When Used at the end of the development lifecycle to handle deployments and production infrastructure.
Why Modern deployments are performance-centric. The speed of deployment needs to be fast. There is a need for burst scaling. The need for easier, faster, and safer A/B testing and canary deployments is also there. Everything needs to be quick to put in place, quick to revert, and quick to change.
How Kubernetes does this by using a Masters and Nodes to manage resources. Detailed information on how Kubernetes does this can be found here. Pluralsight offers a good introductory course for Getting Started with Kubernetes.



Who Minikube is for developers.
What Allows developers to run a Kubernetes cluster.
Where On the developer's computer.
When During the development phase.
Why Developers can test out deployments locally for quicker testing purposes, or to mitigate costs of cloud deployments. The principles of Minikube can be found here.
How Minikube Guide and Installation Instructions


Create a Kubernetes cluster with Minikube on Windows/Hyper-V using the Default Network Switch
minikube start --vm-driver="hyperv" --hyperv-virtual-switch="Default Switch"
Open a dashboard in your browser to view your cluster
minikube dashboard