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January 06, 2020

React: Calling Child Functions From Parent

Ignore this post, I can't remember why I did this and now that I think of it more, I don't see any good reason to do this. Confusing codebase got to my head.

Here is an example of how you can pass functions to parent components through callbacks. Sometimes you want the parent component to define when to invoke a function on a child component. An example would be to have a Modal component as the root layout, and have it comprised of a ModalHeader, ModalContent, and ModalFooter. If you wish to create a step by step flow inside the modal where each step is a component that requires its own custom validation, this may be appropriate since you will be able to write the validation within the appropriate step components instead of the parent.

import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

const useCustomHook = () => {
  const [total, setTotal] = useState(0);
  const decrement = () => setTotal(total => total > 0 ? total - 1 : 0);
  const increment = () => setTotal(total => total + 1);
  return { decrement, increment, total };

const ModalContent = ({ title = '', onMount = () => {} }) => {
  const { total, increment, decrement } = useCustomHook();

  useEffect(() => {
    // Parent requests for the functions via onMount prop.
    onMount([ increment, decrement ]);
  }, [increment, decrement]);

  return (

const Modal = () => {
  // We must use useRef instead of useState because useState will
  // rerender the child component and create an infinite loop
  const [step, setStep] = useState(0);
  const buttonFuncs = useRef({
    next: () => { },
    prev: () => { },

  return (
      { step === 0 ?
          onMount={([next, prev]) => {
            // This will let us call the child funcs from the
            // parent component
            buttonFuncs.current = { next, prev };
        step === 1 ?
        : <> </>
        <button onClick={buttonFuncs.current.next}>Next</button>
        <button onClick={buttonFuncs.current.prev}>Previous</button>